This is why you should hire a technically advanced appraiser

Waters Appraisal Cutting Edge Innovation

Technology has allowed our company to advance in the office as well as in the field. Our entire staff has recently attended the latest (Elite Only Customer) Alamode Seminar, which has changed the way we are doing business today. Utilizing the latest version of Wintotal 2013 we have increased efficiency, volume and the quality of Appraisal work in our office. We have incorporated the  Disto Laser (Distant Meter) which has improved our time and accuracy in our field work. Our company has also upgraded to the Surface Pro Tablet which has allowed the Appraisers to compete 100% of the inspection on site, thus saving time and allowing faster turn around times for our Clients.

Let's start at the beginning. Millions of real estate transactions are processed each year in the United States. Almost all of them require some sort of appraisal. Technology has allowed savvy appraisers to reduce the amount of work their client's need to order, track and receive appraisals. In the past, the primary mode of interaction between an appraiser and his clients was the telephone and fax machine. Clients would send requests via fax, and then often follow it up with a phone call to make sure it was received. Tracking the progress of the appraisal meant more phone calls - a disruption for both the client and the appraiser.

But the modern, technologically advanced appraiser has a better method. Using tools like this web site - complete with the ability to order appraisals on-line - allows clients to shave valuable time off the process of ordering and tracking appraisals. Technologies like a la mode's net.X network are advancing this concept even further, giving its users the ability to not only order appraisals, but track their progress all the way until delivery. No more annoying games of phone tag!

Report delivery

More advanced organizations are leveraging a la mode's net.X network to not only order appraisals, but also to manage the delivery process. Before an appraisal is ever delivered, this cutting edge technology reviews the report and ensures that it meets certain guidelines. Have enough comparables been used? Has the appraiser included a statement of limiting conditions? These items can be checked automatically and the appraiser notified of the deficiency without the client ever getting involved. Now, when the final report is received, the client can be sure the appraisal meets all the basic criteria. Once again, costly follow up and revisions are avoided, lowering everybody's cost of doing business.